NOVEMBER 26TH | Christ the King Sunday

Pastor Jon Lemmond | Psalm 118

NOVEMBER 19TH | Living Into: Summary of Missional Values

Pastor Jon Lemmond

NOVEMBER 12TH | Living Into: Better Together

Pastor Jon Lemmond | Psalm 133; John 17:2023

NOVEMBER 5TH | Living Into: Called to Solidarity

Pastor Jon Lemmond | Galatians 6:2; Micah 6:8

OCTOBER 29TH | Living Into: Inspired by Curiosity

Pastor Jon Lemmond | Luke 8:16-18; James 1:19-20

OCTOBER 22ND | Living Into: Formed As Family

Pastor Jon Lemmond | 1 John 2:10; Romans 12:9-13

OCTOBER 15TH | Living Into: Saints Who Exemplify Missional Values

Pastor Jon Lemmond

OCTOBER 8TH | Living Into : Freed By Scripture

Pastor Jon Lemmond | Acts 17:11-12; John 8:31-32

OCTOBER 1ST | Living Into: Grounded In Jesus

Pastor Jon Lemmond | Matthew 28:16-20 & Ephesians 3:14-19

SEPTEMBER 24TH | Living Into: Worship God and Love Others

Pastor Jon Lemmond | Matthew 22:34-40